2kk Weekly Live | Answering your Keto/Carnivore Questions

Опубликовано: 07 Январь 2025
на канале: 2krazyketos

Keto Chow: https://2krazyketos.org/Ketochow. (automatically gives you 10% off)

Keto Brick: https://bit.ly/Ketobrick
Use code 2krazyketos for $12 off your first order of multiple bricks

Rv Unplugged contestant reveal:    • Season 2 Contestant Reveal - Plugged ...  

RV Unplugged website: https://www.rvunpluggedtv.com/

2kk Getaway December 2024: https://2krazyketos.org/2kkGetaway

Keto Brick: https://bit.ly/Ketobrick
Use code 2krazyketos for $12 off your order of multiple bricks

2025 Low Carb Alaska Cruise: https://2krazyketos.org/2025lowcarbcr...

Join our Mighty Networks : https://2krazyketos.org/2kkCommunity
Facebook group:   / 2krazyketosfamily  
Our merchandise: https://2krazyketos.com/shop/
Our website: https://www.2krazyketos.com
Our favorite Keto Products: https://bit.ly/2EcDi2R
Our favorite Amazon products : https://www.amazon.com/shop/2kk
Our Camping Channel:    / 2krazykampers  

Mailing Address: Joe & Rachel Stauffer c/o 2 krazy ketos
5379 Lyons Rd, 609
Coconut Creek, FL. 33073

Get your labs done (5% discount): https://2krazyketos.org/ownyourlabs
CGM from Nutrisense: https://2krazyketos.org/NutriSense (Use code 2krazyketos for $30 off)

Our Favorite Kitchen Appliances:

Ninja Kitchen: https://2krazyketos.org/Ninja

Schwank Grill: https://2krazyketos.org/Schwank.

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer: https://2krazyketos.org/HarvestRight

Theromworks Instant read thermometer: https://2krazyketos.org/thermoWorks

Cosori 6 tray dehydrator: https://amzn.to/3j7Uf5y

JVR Chamber Vac : https://2krazyketos.org/JVR. (2krazyketos for $100 off)

Anova Precision Oven: https://2krazyketos.org/Anvoa

ProOne water filter: https://2krazyketos.org/ProOne

Gardyn indoor Garden: https://2krazyketos.org/gardyn. Use code 2krazyketos for $100 off

Meat Your Maker Products: https://2krazyketos.org/meat

Meater temp probe: https://2krazyketos.org/Meater

Ergatta Rower: https://2krazyketos.org/Ergatta

Products we use on a regular basis:

Good Idea: https://2krazyketos.org/GoodIdea

Perfect Keto:: http://bit.ly/perfectketo2kk (krazyketos20 for 20% off)

Redmond Real Salt: http://bit.ly/Redmondsalt2kk (2krazyketos for 15% off)

LMNT: https://bit.ly/LMNT2kk

Keto Brick: https://bit.ly/Ketobrick

Porking Good: https://bit.ly/2kkPorkingGood (2krazyketos for 10% off)

Carnivore Crisps: https://bit.ly/2kkCarnivore

Primal Kitchen: https://2krazyketos.org/Primal (2krazyketos for 10% off)

ChocZero products: https://bit.ly/2kkchocolate ( 2krazyketos for 10% off)

Equip Protein Powder: http://equipfoods.com/2krazyketos (2krazyketos for 15% off)

keto krate: https://glnk.io/mrp/2krazyketos (2KRAZYKETOS for $10 off)

Kettle & Fire https://bit.ly/kettleandfire2kk (use code 2krazyketos for 15% off)

Fox Hill Kitchen: http://bit.ly/foxhill2kk (Use code 2krazyketos for 15% off)

Cronometer: https://bit.ly/2u5Lix2

BioCoach ketone tester: http://bit.ly/2W1gPMD (2krazyketos for 10% off meter kit)

Keto Mojo, use this link for 15% off your meter: https://bit.ly/2kkmojo

Some of the links in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase products by clicking on these links, we will earn a small fee to help operate this channel. This does not add any cost to your purchase.
2krazyketos is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

Music: Crimson Fly - Huma-Huma:    • Crimson Fly – Huma-Huma (No Copyright...  
A Long Cold by Riot:    • Video  

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Complete giveaway rules: https://www.2krazyketos.com/giveaway-...