Kali Linux in Docker

Опубликовано: 08 Октябрь 2024
на канале: OneMarcFifty

We'll run Kali inux ( or any other Linux distribution) with a graphical user environment such as xfce or KDE or mate inside a Docker Container! I'll explain briefly Docker images, Docker containers and Dockerfiles. I provide you with a Dockerfile on my github server that allows you to chose the X11 desktop environment, the remote access client to use (VNC, RDP, x2go), the Kali software packages to install and which network to use (bridged, host). #kalilinux #docker

MANY THANKS TO ALL MY PATRONS on   / onemarcfifty   !!!

The Docker File can be found here: https://github.com/onemarcfifty/kali-...
The ‪@OffSecTraining‬ YT channel is here:    / offensivesecuritytraining  

My other Docker videos can be found here:

Bridge networks:    • The Docker Bridge Network - Docker ne...  

Host+macvlan networks :    • The Docker HOST and MACVLAN Networks ...  


0:00 Setting the Scene

2:30 About Docker
4:40 Getting Docker
5:50 Installing Kali in Docker
6:54 Accessing Kali
7:56 Networking
9:40 Volumes

KALI LINUX (TM) is a trademark of Offensive Security. The original Kali Dragon is a Trademark of Offensive Security (https://www.kali.org) and is used with friendly permission of kali.org and Offensive Security

MANY THANKS TO ALL MY PATRONS on   / onemarcfifty   !!!

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The docker logo from Wikimedia Commons By dotCloud, Inc. - File:Docker (container engine) logo.png, Apache License 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...

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