In this detailed step-by-step tutorial, we will guide you through the process of implementing phone number authentication using FlutterFlow and Supabase. Learn how to set up phone authentication with Supabase and FlutterFlow, covering essential topics like phone sign up and phone sign in. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore Supabase or a mobile app developer interested in nocode solutions, this video is perfect for you. Join us as we dive into the world of FlutterFlow, Supabase, and mobile app development, focusing on FlutterFlow authentication and Supabase beginner tutorials. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills in phone auth with Supabase and FlutterFlow!
Custom Actions Code:
Clone the Project here:
00:00 - Demo
00:32 - Intro
00:56 - Prerequisites
01:50 - Linking Supabase with FlutterFlow
04:13 - Phone Auth Function
04:59 - Adding Custom Actions
08:00 - Implementing Custom Actions
11:28 - Test
12:57 - Outro
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Instagram: @just_xolotl