In this expert guide, we dive deep into the world of triggering notifications in Supabase and FlutterFlow using Buildship. Learn how to set up timed FlutterFlow notifications with Buildship, explore scheduled notifications, and even delve into SMS notifications with Twilio SMS integration. Whether you're a beginner looking for a comprehensive FlutterFlow tutorial or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your notification system, this video has you covered. Join us as we unlock the potential of FlutterFlow, Supabase, and Buildship in creating a seamless notification experience.
Find and remix the Buildship workflow here:
00:00 - Intro
00:24 - Buildship Cron Trigger
00:42 - Get Supabase Rows Node
03:07 - Compare Dates Custom Node
06:21 - Send Message with Twilio Node
08:24 - Test Workflow
08:42 - Ship Workflow
09:00 - Disable Workflow
09:08 - Outro
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Instagram: @just_xolotl