Welcome to our Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Push Notifications in FlutterFlow and Supabase! This beginner tutorial will teach you how to send and receive push notifications using FlutterFlow and Supabase. We’ll cover the simplest and easiest methods, including integration with Firebase Cloud Messenger. You’ll also learn about Supabase Edge Functions and Supabase Webhooks. Perfect for no-code enthusiasts, this complete guide breaks down each step to make the process straightforward and easy to follow. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to implement push notifications in your own projects confidently. Happy coding!
Join us as we explore the power of low code and no code solutions in mobile app development, and learn how to leverage Supabase edge functions and database webhooks for push notifications. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your skills in FlutterFlow and Supabase!
Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more tutorials on push notifications in FlutterFlow and Supabase!
Clone the Chat App:
Set up Supabase CLI:
Set up Push Notifications Edge Function in Supabase:
Link to custom edge function:
00:00 - Intro
00:26 - Base App Set-up
08:34 - Step 1: Creating the database
10:46 - Step 2: Supabase CLI
16:23 - Step 3: Edge Function
19:18 - Step 4: FCM Set-up
21:35 - Step 5: Deploy Edge Function
23:48 - Step 6: Database Webhook
24:55 - Step 7: Get and Store FCM Token
29:32 - Step 8: Trigger Push Notifications
41:03 - Debugging and Error handling
48:56 - Outro
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Instagram: @just_xolotl