Object-oriented programming is a design approach that enables you to programmatically define structures called objects that combine data (properties) together with functions that operate on that data (methods). In MATLAB®, you can create objects that model the behavior of devices and systems in the real world. Those objects can then be used as building blocks in applications used to simulate and analyze complex systems. This video provides an overview of object-oriented programming and guides you through an example that highlights the features and capabilities of MATLAB that support this programming design approach.
Object-Oriented Programming Onramp: https://bit.ly/3EjjLM4
Object-Oriented Programming in MATLAB Documentation: https://bit.ly/3BrXjmf
0:00 What is Object-Oriented Programming?
1:04 Object-Oriented Programming in MATLAB
2:04 Example: Orienteering with Object-Oriented Programming
3:18 Properties and Methods
4:30 Constructor Methods
5:48 Superclasses and Subclasses
7:04 Property Validation and Access Restrictions
8:37 Conclusion and Next Steps
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