Please watch: "(13) Bolt visual scripting free Download in UNITY -----[HINDI]2020 "
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Namaste unity programmers, here in this tutorial i explain you that how you can download and install the new version of unity 2020.1 and unity hub.
this is the official link of unity from where you can download the unity and unity hub.
first we have to download the unity hub exe file by its official link
second we have to run unityhubsetup.exe file in your system and install it
third we have to select option install in unity hub then choose version of your unity which version you want to download
then after this you have to choose next option and then select build support for your platform if you want to do work with or want to create game for android then select it or if you want to choose windows , linux, ios, and openGL then select one of them and click install ....
after all this your unity 2020.1 will be install in few minutes ......
here you are ready to create project on unity 2020.1
just select add option by choosing project option in unity hub
now click on add and create your unity project by choosing templet and giving project name then click create ..
now your unity 2020.1 project window will be open and now you are able to create you games/ applications .....
I suggest you to download unity form its official website only and i give you the link above you can also copy that link and download unity and if you use unity hub then it will be better for you to manage your unity projects according to the version and platform ..........thank you........
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tags: #unity #unity3d #gamedevelopment #unityforbeginners