Dave Sharp: University & Industry Partnerships: Models, Impacts and Perspectives

Опубликовано: 02 Январь 2025
на канале: OU Health and Wellbeing PRA


Dave Sharp is the Founder of Binary Asylum, who has 23 years in video games development, who is a technologist, an entrepreneur, consultant and much more.

Presentation Overview: The vast majority of university and business leaders in the UK would agree that universities and business should collaborate. And most realise that for academic research and education to have relevance and positive impact on business and industry 4.0, direct engagement and industrial collaboration is not just good to have, but a absolute necessity. Despite this and reports from Lord Young, enterprise adviser to the UK prime minister and Sir Andrew Witty, chief executive of GlaxoSmithKline, which both recommend and ardently encourage university engagement with industry, many businesses find a great deal of the output from business schools incomprehensible at best and not relevant and obscure at worst.

This session will contemplate why universities and business still struggle to get the most out of each other. The benefits of collaboration and partnerships seem to be sort by both sides - the session will discuss potential models for better collaboration and what give and take might be required to bring better alignment. Case studies of existing collaborations will be included to better exemplify working partnerships between the university and business domains.