In this video I'm showing how to I removed the side marker holes in the fender of my Datsun 240Z. First I made the shape of the cutout easier by rounding the ends. Then I removed all the paint around the opening for clean welding. I preshaped a piece of sheet metal of the same thickness as the fender to match the curved shape of it. Once I had it I cut it to shape to fit inside the opening. I held the patch in place with the help of a few magnets. Then I slowely startet to weld it in, always made sure it sits fush before welding one spot. To keep the heat to a minimum I always cooled the weld with compressed air. I also followed a cross pattern to weld it in to reduce the heat and warping. Then I snaded the welds down and stretched it with hammer and dolly. To reshape the warped fender with hammer and dolly I sanded the welds down completely flush on both sides. After a rough shaping it was time to apply a guide coat with black matte paint. Then I sanded it with a flexible file that had a 240 grit emery cloth taped to it. I hammered and sanded back and forth until the shape of the fender was absolutely perfect.
I hope you like my work and enjoy the video.
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If you have any questions about the process, machines i'm using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.
Sorry for my bad english, it's not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.
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