What is TPN and when do we need it?

Опубликовано: 19 Октябрь 2024
на канале: citizensurgeon

How much fluid does the body need?

What is Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) and why is it important?

What are the daily energy requirements?

In what patients do metabolic needs differ?

What is the respiratory quotient? Why is it important and how do you calculate it?

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In this second surgery tutorial on Surgical Nutrition we're going to talk about TPN as fluid and energy. This is absolutely essential to understanding TPN. I always tell the medical students and residents when you think about TPN, think of it of a bag of fluid and energy. How much fluid does your patient need? How much energy do they need?

Definitely check out the first video if you haven't watched that yet and the metabolic response to injury videos as they are key to understanding surgical nutrition and TPN...absolute prerequisites.


Start 00:00
Clinical Case - Nutritional Assessment 01:06
TPN is just a bag of Fluid and Energy 05:01
What are typical energy requirements? 06:41
What is indirect calorimetry? 09:52
How do you use the Respiratory Quotient? 11:25
Summary 14:10

Indirect calorimetry: http://citizensurgeon.co/Calorimetry
Obesity and Resting Energy Expenditure: http://citizensurgeon.co/obesityenergy
Norton's General Surgery http://citizensurgeon.co/Norton

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I'm Dr. Erik Pearson, FACS and I am a board certified pediatric surgeon living in Las Vegas. I make surgical education videos on all topics in general surgery as well as talks on lifestyle design as a surgeon, book reviews, and studying effectively. I also write a weekly newsletter called the Saturday Six where I identify Six different discoveries of the week. You can get the weekly newsletter by signing up to the CITIZENSURGEON Community!

While my aim is to help educate you for the ward, the surgical ICU, the operating room and your exams remember these videos are not a replacement for your reading, your medical school and residency preparation and most important your own decision making. Good luck and enjoy!

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