Time-lapse Photography of Snyder Cove Culvert Replacement

Опубликовано: 13 Январь 2025
на канале: Wild Fish Conservancy

Time-lapse Photography of Snyder Cove Restoration. This video shows time-lapse photos taken over a period of approximately two weeks using a remote camera positioned at the mouth of Snyder Cove Creek near Olympia, WA in fall 2009. Snyder Cove Creek flows into Puget Sound at Eld Inlet. The photos document the replacement of an existing 36 inch diameter barrier culvert with a 14 foot wide box culvert. The project restored anadromous fish passage to nearly a mile of high quality upstream spawning and rearing habitat on The Evergreen State College campus. It is expected to benefit coho salmon, chum salmon, and cutthroat trout, and to restore natural ecosystem processes of wood, water, and sediment transport to the nearshore. Key partners on the project include People for Puget Sound, The Evergreen State College, Salmon Recovery Funding Board, and the Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program.