Enbridge's plans for a pipeline & tankers through BC's magnificent coast
The north and central coast of British Columbia is one of last great wilderness areas that still support a vibrant & productive ecosystem. Home to thousands of runs of 5 species of salmon, as well as steelhead, grizzlies, wolves, orca, rare white bears, dolphins, porpoises and hundreds of other species, the coast is a natural spring of wealth & wonder. The plan to build the Enbridge pipeline and ensuing tankers threatens all of this- the coastal ecosystem, the coastal economies and a massive food source.
Besides the incredible array of species that lives here, the coast supports many economies through commercial activities such as commercial fishing, sport fishing, & tourism, as well as providing a massive natural food source that feeds thousands of people - serving up salmon, crab, halibut, clams, cockles, Oolichan, herring, sea cucumbers, urchins, rockfish, lingcod, geoduck, seaweed, and on and on...
The BC coast is a natural resource that just keeps giving its massively generous, life-supporting gifts, on one condition only- that we don't destroy it.
Now plans are underway that will likely result in just this.
Risking it All Oil on our Coast is a short film that outlines the plans for the pipeline and tanker route and what it means for our beautiful coast. Produced h in association with Hartley Bay & Gitga'at Nation, Oil on our Coast is meant to inspire, empower and help fuel the battle to save what sustains us.