Plz Subscribe channel Rahul Mapari. In this video I have discussed
qualification of Assistant professor and changes from 2021. Assistant professor eligibility criteria. We have new eligibility for assistant professor. We should know assistant professor eligibility because when assistant professor vacancy 2021 comes so that we can apply for assistant professor vacancies.
Actually, qualification for assistant professor is same as before 2021 for college assistant professor. But if you go through ugc norms for assistant professor you will find assistant professor qualification is change for university assistant professor. So here we focused on assistant professor eligibility criteria. Because eligibility for assistant professor is change after 2021. There are so many assistant professor vacancy. So you will ready with qualification required for assistant professor. It is one of the prestigious job that is assistant professor. So, you should know assistant professor kaise bane, assistant professor salary, assistant professor eligibility.
Also We try to make mathematics simple for all. How to study Basic concepts of mathematics. We focused on concept through the previous questions of CSIR NET/GATE/SET/UPSC/IIT JAM examinations.
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