3 methods (or rather hotkeys) on Windows and macOS to fullscreen the program (or any other) window/view to eliminate distractions without having to pixel hunt for that bottom right corner.
0:00 fullscreen shortcuts (~ \)
1:20 macOS
2:30 keyboard hotkey configs
This video solves the age old question: how to best work with multiple screens in Adobe Premiere Pro? How to use a second monitor in the editor without wasting time installing AHK and writing AutoHotKey scripts? Thankfully, Premiere Pro CC makes it relatively easy to view the preview window in full Screen. Even though you might have to mess with the key configs if you're running old config files and weird Mac keyboards might not work as advertised. Just use another modifier key (control/command/shift - some experimentation might be necessary).
By the way, how do you like my keyboard?