Powered by Restream https://restream.io Hello! Doing some Prismatica stuff, come hang out and ask questions :)
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[GameDev UE5] Full-time game-dev-plugin-dev tries GAME-GAME DEV for the first time?? (Gone wrong)
[GameDev UE5] 2nd last session on PrismatiVoxelPaint. Return to Game Dev SOON!
[GameDev UE5] Shiny New Thing (Prismatica again soonTM)
[GameDev UE5] NEW PrismatiVoxelPaint Sidetrack (Session 4 of max 7)
[GameDev UE5] NEW PrismatiVoxelPaint Sidetrack (Session 3)
[GameDev UE5] NEW PrismatiVoxelPaint plugin/method/thing (Session 2)
[GameDev UE5] NEW Voxel Painting idea?? (Session 1)
[GameDev UE5] Prismatica: Reborn: Reinvigorated: Resurrection: Revolution: ReallyDoingItThisTime
Intro to Flow Maps [UE5]
[GameDev UE5] Hi I'm back. Hi back, I'm live!
Parallax & Bump Decals | 5-Minute Materials [UE5]
[GameDev UE5] The Final Water Shader Stream Of All Time
[GameDev UE5] Internet UPGRADE (and some more water stuff wow how exciting)
Parallax Occlusion Mapping | 5-Minute Materials [UE5]
[GameDev UE5] Cry me a river shader (okay sir)
Motion Matching - My Thoughts [UE5]
[GameDev UE5] Parallax Decals, RVTs and More! (Filming sesh)
[GameDev UE5] Pris Water Shader 2.0!
[GameDev UE5] Pris Water Shader 2.0??
[GameDev UE5] Research for new videos + PrismaticaChats
[GameDev UE5] Flowmaps, RVTs and Chatting :)
[GameDev UE5] Well... Now what?? (Prismatica time??)
[GameDev UE5] Last PScape stream I swear please believe me!
[GameDev UE5] Looking at some sweet ass...et packs and then finishing PScape update!