How to Match Audio Levels in Premiere Pro

Опубликовано: 28 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: Bhupinder Tube

I've recorded two clips using two different microphones that have 2 different input gains. One microphone with low input gain and hence a lower volume level and another microphone with high input gain and hence a higher microphone volume. So, part of my project now is louder than the other. Luckily, Premiere Pro has a tool called Auto-Match to match all the audio levels to the average loudness.

In order to access Auto-Match, you'll need to open Essential Sound Window, and then select all the audio tracks you want to match the audio levels and then click auto-match under dialogue and loudness. It'll take a few seconds for Pr to process the selected audios depending on the audio durations/numbers, so don't click anywhere while Pr is matching the audio levels.

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🔴 All Premiere Pro Audio Tutorials Playlist 👉    • Premiere Pro Audio Tutorials  
I suggest you to watch 👉 How to sync audio and video in Premiere Pro -    • How to sync audio and video in Premie...  

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below 😊
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