Weapon Selection Program using C# language/explain program/C# Tutorial/Hindi

Опубликовано: 14 Октябрь 2024
на канале: unity creators

Namaste Unity Programmers , In this tutorial i will show that how you can create Weapon selection program using C# programming language in unity in easy way ........so enjoy this tutorial............... .....

First i will create a script and name it Weapon selection and to your object simply
then open script and .....
now we have to create variable weapon Id so that you can define your weapons in program based on
weapon Id variable ....

now simply you have to apply switch statement and under it choose weapon id variable and apply cases according to your weapons ........................................... as simple as that ............
further details you should watch this tutorial ..................thank you guys for your support...........

related questions:

1)weapon selection program in unity?
2)weapon selection in unity?
3)how to create C# script for weapon selection in unity?
4)how to create C# script for weapon selection in unity in hindi?
5)create C# script for weapon selection in unity in hindi?
6)Create weapon selection program using C# programming language ?
7)Create weapon selection program using C# programming language in hindi?
8)Weapon selection program?

tags: #unity #unity3d #gamedeve #C-sharpTutorial #c#language #c-sharp Programs #Unity #1 ON TRENDING #Game