Want to see how CockroachDB can survive? CockroachDB is highly available by design. It's built to keep mission-critical applications online in the event of entire cloud or region outages and during database upgrades, meaning you can continue delivering for customers without interruptions in service or revenue.
To put our resilience to the test, Technical Evangelist Rob Reid put our distributed SQL database through a series of tests including pod failures, network partitions, corrupted data, restricted bandwidth, time faults, and so much more.
Chaos Testing CockroachDB | Behind CockroachDB's Resilience
00:00 Introduction
00:35 Setting up a CockroachDB cluster
01:14 Installing chaos mesh
01:59 What happens to CockroachDB during a pod failure?
03:08 What happens to CockroachDB when you kill a pod?
03:52 What happens to CockroachDB during a network partition?
04:28 What happens to CockroachDB during packet corruption?
04:55 What happens to CockroachDB during packet loss?
05:14 What happens to CockroachDB when bandwidth is restricted?
05:36 What happens to CockroachDB during a network delay?
06:00 What happens to CockroachDB during a time fault?
06:50 What happens to CockroachDB when Rob messes with a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)?
09:19 How CockroachDB survives