UNITY- Bolt #1 --- Basic Introduction to Bolt Visual Scripting / (beginners) / |Hindi|

Опубликовано: 24 Октябрь 2024
на канале: unity creators

here is the link to download bolt in unity......
   • Bolt visual scripting free Download i...  

Namaste UNITY programmers, here I have bolt visual scripting series for you guys , so this is part one of this bolt series ..........
in this tutorial i try to explain these things which is ....
1) what is bolt in unity?
2) how to download bolt in unity?
3) how to add flow graph in bolt in unity?
4) how to add object movements in bolt using unity?
5) basic intro to bolt in unity?
6) how to use bolt ?
7) how to add control in object movements in bolt using unity?
8)add mouse control to object using bolt in unity?
9) add keyboard control to object using bolt in unity?
10) bolt visual scripting ?

so here i cover all these topic about bolt in unity so that you can easily understand bolt concept in unity.

bolt is a visual scripting asset in unity so that by using this your logic will be clear .........

add Graph, Graph inspector, variable in your project

after this for adding flow machine to your object simply you have to click add component and go to bolt and their you will get option for flow machine click and add it into your object.

then, start scripting your object according to you so for this go to flow
graph and then begin with start event so add rigid body add force impulse
connect both of them to each other by clicking on arrow to arrow for give movement to your object in any direction you have to give float values x,y,z direction where you want to move your object.

then after this if you want to give input to your object by mouse clicking so you have to add on mouse input unit and add unit rigid body add force and connect the node and give some values according to direction of movement of object .....

do the same for taking on keyboard input action ..........

so thats all guys its simple and easy to understand .........thank you for support .......

related question:

1) what is bolt in unity?
2) how to download bolt in unity?
3) how to add flow graph in bolt in unity?
4) how to add object movements in bolt using unity?
5) basic intro to bolt in unity?
6) how to use bolt ?
7) how to add control in object movements in bolt using unity?
8)add mouse control to object using bolt in unity?
9) add keyboard control to object using bolt in unity?
10) bolt visual scripting ?

tags: #unity #boltvisualscripting #unty3d #gamedevelpment