WELCOME BACK HELLO WAHOO!!! ANOTHER WEEK DOWN AND DONE =] Hope you're all having a nice March and DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!!! Sad we lost an hour, but happy the sun isn't setting at 4pm anymore :D My brain has been so loopy lately, I played tekken until the wee hours the other day and that completely killed my sleep schedule and mental for the next day LOL. But I CAN'T STOP PLAYING IT'S SO FUN LEARNING THE COMBOS!!! I can see Tekken getting hard really fast though... it's like super fun when you first start getting the combos down, but once it starts getting technical I'm not sure how much fun I'll have. But for now it's been fun :D I highly recommend if you're on the fence about it. (it is quite expensive but it's well worth the money if you're in to that sort of game) ((which im not tbh, but idk my character is so cute i can't stop playing anyway))
You know I realize I speak in a lot of "feelings" words... which results in my yapping a lot without actually saying much HAHA. Like I read back on some things I write and I think to myself wow I said a whole lot of absolutely nothing and no one asked 😗 actually, when i was younger i used to yap a LOT until people started telling me "i dont care..." and it made me stop talking as much... so thats why i like yapping so much here in my descriptions and tbh when i'm making content because there's no one to tell me to stop yapping. Or well is it even yapping or is it just my stream of consciousness... what even is a stream of consciousness like where does this stream come from. i feel like i have shower thoughts but like all the time does this happen to anyone else.
ahem anyway
HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS LIL FLUFFY TINLY HEAD AND EAR MASSAGE!!! I've been feeling really scattered in my brain lately so this type of ASMR really helps to calm me down.
Have a nice week :3
I'll see you soon!!!
xoxo Kimi
ps I TOUCHED UP MY HAIR :D it's a cooler tone now, i think it suits me better i likey
ASMR Mondays continue tomorrow night on twitch dot tv slash angelskimi ❤️
❤️ https://patreon.com/angelsasmr?utm_me...
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Twitch: / angelskimi
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Gaming YouTube: @AngelsKimi
Twitch VOD Channel: @AngelsKimiVODs
Business email: [email protected]