Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial on how to Copy the Sandbox configuration to the Production which will help you to minimize the redundant work and save your time with the help of Revyz Data Manager plugin.
This video will guide you through:
0:00 Introduction
1:31 Use cases
2:39 Revyz Data Manager for Jira Installation
3:13 Revyz security-compliant
4:39 Revyz Dashboard
5:58 Copy Sandbox to Production environment
7:02 Generate Token
8:42 Create New Project
17:42 Conclusion
More Resources:
Try Revyz Data Manager for Jira for Free: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/app...
Explore data backups and recovery for Jira Cloud: https://www.revyz.io/backup-jira-cloud
🌐 Telegram Channel ● https://t.me/joinchat/_mURtWef0LUyZDM1
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🐦 TWITTER ● / techrai90
🌐 LINKEDIN ● / deepakrai90
For collaboration, Complain or suggestion email me at [email protected]
#projectmanagement #jiratutorial #projects #jiraroadmap #jira #backup #restore #revyz
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