[ASMR] 60 Triggers in 60 Minutes!! ❤️

Опубликовано: 09 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Angels ASMR

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Hellooo Angels💫✨

Happy Thanksgiving weekend!! I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season☺️☺️ and if not then thats ok too, YOU GOT THIS!!! Remember to take care of yourselves and take breaks 🤍

I purposefully made my holidays nice and chill this year… but then I spiralled in to a full on candle sting operation and now I’m working 24/7 between candles and asmr and everything else HAHa

I love it though, being busy is fun in its own way😊 Okie that is all, I must spend the next 10 hours cleaning and organzing.

Remember to drink lots of water!!
Enjoy the video
It’s a nice long one so we can body double
Betcha cant finish your work or cleaning or falling asleep by the time I’m done doing 60 triggers ;D

Ready set GO !!!


ASMR Monday 12/2 at 8pm pst on twitch.tv/angelskimi


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