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We will install IOTStack and Webmin on a raspberry Pi4. IOTStack is a complete collection of famous home automation software such as Home Assistant, Openhab, Node Red and many others. With this you can run your home automation software in docker on a pi.
0:00 Use a Pi as Home Automation Server
0:38 Intro jingle
1:01 description of IOTStack
2:06 Get IOTStack and Install Docker on the Pi
3:33 Installing IOTStack on the Pi
5:22 Installing Webmin
7:30 Call to Action
the commands used in this video
To download, install and start IOTStack:
sudo apt install -y git curl
git clone https://github .com/SensorsIot/IOTstack.git IOTstack
please remove the space before the dot com
cd IOTstack/
sudo raspi-config
sudo reboot
cd IOTstack/
docker-compose up -d
To install webmin:
wget https://prdownloads.sourceforge .net/webadmin/webmin_1.962_all.deb
please remove the space before the dot net
sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.962_all.deb
sudo apt -f install
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