01:15 Add outgoing NAT rules for secondary pfsense
02:45 Install haproxy packages
04:15 Briefly describe the HA setup (explain why using simplelab.int and dns override)
07:28 Enabling haproxy
08:40 Adding backend resources
10:50 Adding frontend service to accept traffic
12:31 Check on the stat page
12:48 Check if configuration synced to secondary pfsense
13:45 Adding DNS overriding record (simplelab.int map to
15:32 Update authentication server to point to haproxy proxy's service endpoint (simplelab.int)
16:08 Test - test ad user login
17:15 Test - Disable both backend (then failed to login)
18:45 Log back in as local user as LDAPS disconnect
19:07 Enable backend dc01, dc02 remain disabled (able to login)
19:35 Disable backend dc01, Enable dc02 (able to login)
20:31 Enable both backend to resume full resilience