Learn best-practices for fixing meta tags on your web pages. Test your site for free at www.seositecheckup.com.
In this video, you’ll hear some of the following:
" In this video, we’ll show you how to improve your site’s SEO score and improve its indexing by fixing a simple issue, the meta tags. Meta tags are words hidden in your code that site visitors don’t see, but the search engines do. The one exception is your meta title tag, which is the text that shows up on the browser tab.
Meta tags are a way for you to effectively tell the search engines what your web page is about, and how its title and description might be presented to visitors in searching engine results. By having strong meta tags that target the keywords of this particular page in your site and offer an accurate, interesting description of your page, you can increase the likelihood of a high position on the search engine results pages. Having poorly written, inaccurate, or missing meta tags, can lead to a drop in those search results, and your target audience might never find you. Or if you’re missing your meta tags, search engines may try and generate them for you based on other text content throughout your page, which may not be helpful or as relevant as you like.
After running the diagnostics of our site on seositecheckup, we can see that both the meta title and meta descriptions are missing. This is bad news. We’ll click how to fix to access the guidelines. "
Hear more by watching the full video!
#optimizemetatags #metadescription #seo