PHILOSOPHY | NIETZSCHE | THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA | Nietzsche's superman is a genius woman | 尼采的超人

Опубликовано: 30 Ноябрь 2024

Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra or Thus Spake Zarathustra) is the oil painting cycle by Lena Hades painted from 1995 to 1997 and inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical novel of the same name.
All paintings of the cycle the artist herself calls visual metaphors to the book and not illustrations. The first half of Hades' cycle begins addressing the Last Man, "who makes everything small". The second half of the cycle is devoted to Zarathustra himself and to his eagle. Twenty-four of the paintings depict so-called round-headed little men and their struggles in life. The remaining four depict Zarathustra himself, his eagle and serpent. Six paintings of the series were purchased by the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and by some important private collectors.
In 2004, a bilingual edition of Nietzsche's book Also sprach Zarathustra was published in Russian and German by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The edition includes 20 Hades paintings from this cycle and the art critical essays written by three art historians A.Yakimovich, O.Yushkowa and Jean-Christophe Ammann, the director of the Museum of Modern Art in 1991-2001.
0:12 I tell you: one must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star. I tell you: you still have chaos in yourselves.
0:17 If ever I have played dice with the Gods at the divine table of the earth,
so that the earth quaked and ruptured, and snorted forth fire-streams...
0:27 Zarathustra and Dwarf
0:37 Eagle and Snake
0:47 Round, righteous and kind they are to one another, like grains of sand.
0:57 Or else, they grasp at sweetmeats, and mock at their childishness thereby: they cling to their straw of life, and mock at their still clinging to it.
1:07 The state, I call it, where all are poison-drinkers, the good and the bad: the state, where all lose themselves, the good and the bad: the state, where the slow suicide of all--is called "life."
1:17 Or they sit all day at swamps with angle-rods, and on that account think themselves PROFOUND; but whoever fisheth where there are no fish, I do not even call him superficial!
1:27 See them clamber, these nimble apes! They clamber over one another, and thus scuffle into the mud and the abyss
1:37 Just see these superfluous ones! Sick are they always; they vomit their bile and call it a newspaper. They devour one another, and cannot even digest themselves
1:47 Their knees continually adore, and their hands are eulogies of virtue, but their heart knoweth naught thereof.
1:57 And the blindness of the blind one, and his seeking and groping, shall yet testify to the power of the sun into which he hath gazed,-did ye know that before?
2:07 And again there are those who sit in their swamp, and speak thus from among the bulrushes: "Virtue--that is to sit quietly in the swamp
2:17 No shepherd, and one herd! Every one wanteth the same; every one is equal: he who hath other sentiments goeth voluntarily into the madhouse.
2:24 Deep yellow and hot red--so wanteth MY taste--it mixeth blood with all colours. He, however, who whitewasheth his house, betrayeth unto me a whitewashed soul.
2:34 Ye call in a witness when ye want to speak well of yourselves; and when ye have misled him to think well of you, ye also think well of yourselves.
2:41 Ye are not eagles: thus have ye never experienced the happiness of the alarm of the spirit. And he who is not a bird should not camp above abysses
2:51 Of all that is written, I love only what a person hath written with his blood. Write with blood, and thou wilt find that blood is spirit
3:02 Towards the throne they all strive: it is their madness--as if happiness sat on the throne! Ofttimes sitteth filth on the throne.--and ofttimes also the throne on filth.
3:11 With mummies, some fall in love; others with phantoms: both alike hostile to all flesh and blood--oh, how repugnant are both to my taste! For I love blood
3:18 There are the spiritually consumptive ones: hardly are they born when they begin to die, and long for doctrines of lassitude and renunciation.
3:29 Like those who stand in the street and gape at the passers-by: thus do they also wait, and gape at the thoughts which others have thought.
3:35 Where solitude endeth, there beginneth the market-place; and where the market-place beginneth, there beginneth also the noise of the great actors, and the buzzing of the poison-flies.
#asíhablózaratustra #alsosprachzarathustra #nietzsche #philosophie #cosìparlòzarathustra #zarathustra #совриск #lenahades #хейдиз #filosofia #philosophy #francovolpi #философия #ницше #заратустра #философия #contemporaryart #莉娜哈得斯 #描绘尼采 #сверхчеловек #overman #superman ニーチェの超人は天才女性画家ですが, 尼采的超人是天才女畫家, сверхчеловек ницше - это женщина-гений, СВЕРХЧЕЛОВЕК НИЦШЕ, 尼采的超人, ニーチェの超人, レナ・ハデス, レナハデス, 莉娜·哈得斯, 莉娜哈得斯, ニーチェ,尼采, ЛЕНА ХЕЙДИЗ,善人も悪人も、すべての者が毒を飲むところ、それをわたしは国家と呼ぶ。善人も悪人も、すべてがおのれ自身を失うところ、それが国家である。すべての人間の緩慢なる自殺---それが「生きがい」と呼ばれるところ、それが国家である。