Опубликовано: 08 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Lena Hades Хейдиз

ведущая программы - Марианна Максимовская
#совриск #хейдиз #contemporaryart #contemporary #レナハデス #lenahades
Nikolai Berdyaev "Great Russia has still entirely remained an isolated province within European and world life, its spiritual life has been aloof and closed. Russia still all entirely does not know the world, it distortedly perceives its image and falsely and superficially makes judgements about it. The spiritual powers of Russia have not yet become innate to the cultural life of European mankind. For Western cultural mankind, Russia all still remains completely transcendent, some sort of an alien East...."
Chimera's bannerette with the slogan "Kill the Jews and save Russia!"
This is the old antisemitic slogan of Czarist days. Do you know what a pogrom is? Pogrom is a Russian word meaning an attack, accompanied by looting and bloodshed against the Jews in Russia. The Jews of Russia were the victims of three waves of mass pogroms, they occurred from 1881 to 1884, from 1903 to 1906 and from 1917 to 1921. These pogroms took place under this slogan... Antisemitism exists both in its "traditional" form and in a latent state. ...
In 2010 Moscow's Basmanny District branch of the Investigative Committee opened a preliminary case against me, Lena Hades. The investigation was opened "on the request of a group of citizens" who submitted their complaint about me in 2007. "In July 2008, Basmanny investigators held a preliminary inquiry into the complaint and refused to open a criminal case, but in May, Moscow city investigators ordered a new preliminary examination of the complaint" - wrote The Moscow Times in June, 22, 2010.
And the newspaper continued: "Hades said ultranationalist individuals and groups filed some 300 complaints against her back in 2008 and linked the investigation to a campaign against her that was started in the blogosphere by ultranationalists hoping to use her case to push the public into rallying against Article 282 of the Criminal Code on inciting ethnic hatred, which is often used against ultranationalists. She said the campaign was started by Natalya Kholmogorova, executive director of the ultranationalist Russian Public Movement, and Anastasia Ivanova, a writer for DPNI.org, the web site of the similarly ultranationalist Movement Against Illegal Immigration. Kholmogorova confirmed by telephone Sunday that ultranationalists have "actively discussed" the idea of using Hades' art as a pretext to launch a campaign against Article 282. Ivanova said the campaign aimed to fight the "discriminative" approach when "they jail anti-Semites and ultranationalists but do not jail Russophobes."
The Sputnik-1 was the world's first artificial satellite, it was launched into an elliptical low Earth orbit on October 4, 1957. It was one of the important achievements in aerospace technology made by Soviet Russia, the project was completed by a team of Soviet rocket scientists directed by Chief rocket scientist Sergei Korolev which was often called "the father of practical astronautics." Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who was born in 1907 and died in 1966, was Chief designer of rocket and space technology, Founder and chief of Special Design Bureau No.1, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Winner of Lenin Prize and - attention please! - he was became a victim of political repression and was exiled to Kolyma before his "brilliant scientific career".
"A spectre is haunting the Europe -- the spectre of communism", -- wrote Karl Marx and his assistant Friedrich Engels. I corrected them slightly -- "A Chimera is haunting the World--the Chimera of the Mysterious Russian Soul", my question to all these people that call the Russian soul mysterious: so, the soul of Italians is not mysterious? Or the soul of Germans? ( from here https://www.huffpost.com/entry/chimer... )
#mysteriousrussiansoul #russiansoul #russian
Chimera Gizemli Rus Soul tarafından, Lena Hades'in Ruslarla ilgili yabancıların ortak önyargılara betimleyen,. Lena Hades'in Gizemli Rus Ruhunun Chimera'sı, yabancıların Ruslar hakkındaki yaygın.
כימרה של הנשמה הרוסית המסתורית , מאת לנה האדס , המתאר סטריאוטיפים נפוצים של זרים לגבי רוסי
#レナハデス #ニーチェ #ツァラトゥストラはこう語った сверхчеловек ницше - это женщина-гений 超人ちょうじん #lenahades ニーチェの超人は天才女性画家ですが #хейдиз #查拉图斯特拉如是说 #フリードリヒニーチェ #バーゼル大学教授時代 #力への意志 #ワシとヘビ #永遠の名著 #超訳 ニーチェの言葉 #本を聴くサービス #画家 #nietzsche #莉娜哈得斯
尼采的超人是天才女畫家, Олена Хейдіз, "Закохана вівця", полотно, олія, 2014-2022
لوحة بريشة الرسامة لينا هادس عن الصور النمطية الشائعة بين الأجانب تجاه الروس