Difference Between LTS version and LATEST version of UNITY 3D----for beginners ----[HINDI]

Опубликовано: 08 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: unity creators

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Namaste Unity programmers, before getting start to work with unity you have to know about which version of unity is for you and how you select version according to you .

lots of questions here which will come in your mind like?
1) what is unity LTS version?
2) What is the difference between Lts version and Latest version of unity?
3) which is best Lts version or latest version of unity?
4) how Lts and Latest version are different to each other?
5) why we use LTS version over Latest version of unity?

first what is LTS version unity ?..... so Lts version is a stable version of unity for long term support of two years and unity gives updates time to time where as if you talk about what is latest version of unity?..... so this is tech stream support version of unity in which unity releases new features and textures ,tools so on every six months .......

If you are beginner then you have to work unity latest versions because if you are beginner then their is possibility to lack knowledge so first you have to get some experience about unity how its works .............

basically Lts version is for those users who want to create big projects /content/games for long time without having bugs and very close to release there project in market.......in this updates will comes every weak and monthly according to need of the version to fixing bugs and errors.......

where as latest version of unity is for those users who want to take advantage and want to do work with new features of unity time to time and want to up to date their applications with latest features of unity releases.....

so guys this is my advice for you if you are beginners then use latest version of unity and take advantage and get some experience of unity latest versions and if you have some knowledge and you are ready to work on new big projects without having bugs then you should use LTS versions of unity......

THANK YOU..........

related questions?

1) what is unity LTS version in hindi?
2) what is the difference between LTS and LATEST version of unity?
3) how LTS and LATEST version of unity are different to each other?
4) which one is best for beginners LTS and Latest version in unity?
5) unity LTS ?
6) what is unity Lts version?
7) what is unity latest version?

tags: #unity #unity3d #gamedevelopment