Welcome, everyone, to another episode of The Break podcast, where we delve into the depths of resilience, flexibility, and overcoming life's obstacles. I'm your host, Mike, and today's conversation promises to be nothing short of enlightening.
Today, we're exploring a topic that resonates with each and every one of us - setbacks. Life's unexpected twists and turns can knock us off course, but it's how we respond to these challenges that defines our journey forward.
You know, we often envision our paths as linear journeys, guided by societal norms and expectations. But what happens when life throws us off course? That's where our resilience truly shines. And today, we have a special treat for you - a glimpse into the world of setbacks and how they can propel us forward.
✅ To learn more, check out our podcast episode with Amy: https://careercloud.com/Amy-Shoenthal/
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