Fat Loss | The Low Carb Diet Myth

Опубликовано: 15 Март 2025
на канале: Li-San Loves

I recently discovered a new book on Amazon that is available to buy for $1 on Kindle. It's not a vegan book and is written by Ari Whitten, who is not vegan, but does seem to have some good information in there. It's the kind of book you could recommend to someone who is struggling with weight loss and is on the low carb diet for the fear of not being able to lose weight, thinking low carb is best for diabetics, or for long term weight loss, and/or that carbs are evil (make you gain weight more than fat or protein does).

Personally, I thrive on a plant based (vegan) diet that is low in fat. I avoid added oils as much as possible, and base my diet on fruit, starches and vegetables. This has helped me feel energetic and healthy, while staying lean.

Ari Whitten is obviously aware that those on high carbohydrate diets can be very lean (his Facebook page shows a comparison of Durianrider and Jimmy Moore), and that a high carbohydrate diet is an effective (more effective even than low carb) treatment for Type 2 diabetes.

While I discovered veganism as a way to be healthier, I also recognise the ethical and environmental issues with eating animal foods, so I avoid eating animal foods. I believe it's possible to be healthy and to reach your aesthetic or fitness goals as a vegan.

My Weight Loss on High Carb Vegan Food:    • My Weight Loss Eating High Carb Vegan...  

Why I Am Skinny:    • Why I Am Skinny + Vegan Chocolate & C...  

Carbs Do Not Cause Diabetes or Make You Fat:
   • Sugar/Carbs Mythbusting  

I'm a high carb vegan, and have been for over 4 years. I lost belly fat and significantly reduced severe acne through becoming vegan. I share videos that I hope will help you on your journey to becoming healthier, while also being kinder to the animals and the environment.

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