apparently has the best chess "cheat detection" system, so why are so many obvious cheaters not getting banned?
And, yes, I reported all the accounts.
In this video I expose some cheaters that have not been banned yet, some of the reasons why I'm confident they're cheating, and how they're beating the system.
In short, to beat the cheat detection system, you just need to:
1. Lower the skill level of your bot
2. Play some random moves by yourself
3. Play variants has no way to analyze variants games with an engine, because they're not smart enough to download Fairy Stockfish, or worse, go to lichess. That means that anyone can cheat as in variants in any way they'd like.
My argument for why these accounts are cheaters relies mostly on their move times, but also their style of play. No player could play so many bullet games with move times described in the video (all moves between 0.3-0.8 seconds, etc). If the cheaters find a way to randomize move times better, even I probably wouldn't suspect them.