5 тысяч подписчиков
156 видео
Use Native Switch Triggers in Play #prototype #iOS
Swapping Images Using Scroll Triggers
Using Pagination Indicators to Create an Onboarding Flow in Play for macOS
Scrolling a Multi-State Header in Play for macOS
Using Native Progressive Blur
Using Icons (SF Symbols) in Play
Introducing Play 2.0
Grouping and Naming Interaction Nodes
Customizing a Prefab to Create a Dynamic Grid
Three Ways to Create a Component in Play
Adding a Badge to a Tab Bar Item
Dynamic Type Support for Accessibility with Custom Fonts
Editable and Selectable Text Elements
Loops Preview in Play 2.0
Adding a URL to a Play Prototype
UI 2.0 Preview
Changing an Object Position when the Keyboard Shows and Hides
Play 101| Part 1: An Overview of Play's UI
Starting From Scratch in Play
Using SVGs in Play
Expression Editor Preview in Play 2.0
Play 101 | Part 5: Prototyping with Interactions
Two Ways to Display a Stepper's Value
Actions Preview in Play 2.0
Checking a Text Field’s Value with a Condition
Play 101| Part 2: Designing Layout with Stacks
Play 101 | Part 4: Designing with Native Elements
Play 101| Part 3: Components, States, and Instances
Conditions Preview in Play 2.0
Designing a TikTok Style Card Carousel (Part 2)
Creating a Custom Tab Bar in Play (Play 1.0)
Creating a Custom Tab Bar with a Page Loader in Play
Using Composite to Create a Gradient Text Animation