6 тысяч подписчиков
100 видео
Studio lighting and render settings for Maya and Arnold (Sword Part 4)
UV Map in Maya in 30 seconds
Unity 2D Platformer No Coding: 2 Character animation from frames in unity
Uv mapping a sword for beginners
How to tie a knot and draw curves onto geometry in Maya
How to make a TANK TRACK in Maya quickly. Animated with MASH. 3 steps to get working IN YOUR SCENE
How to import an image plane in Maya to trace a blueprint with geometry
Unity 2D Platformer No programming: 1 Setting up the environment
Maya Student Support (Unscripted): Metal plating on Humanoid Robot with Quad Draw on Live Surface
Maya Student Support: Door - How to Model and Texture
Modelling an iphone11 in Maya Part 1 (Beginner / intermediate)
Occlusion Render pass with Arnold in Maya
Photoshop Livestream: Make an Interactive Neon Template to sell (beginner - very slow pace)
80's Retro synthwave text logo scene: Part 2: Use gradients, layer styles & grunge overlays on text
Maya Arnold: How to shade & light a scene quickly. Add Area and HDRI lighting, Arnold shader presets
Animated Planet in After Effects: 06 adding a lens flare passing the camera
Pixlr: Put an IMAGE INSIDE TEXT - Free online image editor
Oil change and oil filter replacement in 08-15 Jaguar XF 2.2 D
Maya camera too sensitive & zooms out much faster than it can zoom in on scroll wheel in top view
Animated Planet in After Effects: 08 adding lightning and audio
Animated Planet in After Effects: 05 creating a fake 3d effect with precomps
How to make pixel art in photoshop: setting up ALL the tools and workspace to work with pixels
Booleans Legalised: How to fix them with Maya's new Remesh and Retopologize tools
How to share google docs properly your sites so your teacher can see them (Made for my Students)
How to get Maya 2020 for free as a student and install properly
Hand silhouette colour overlay in Photoshop
Animated Planet in After Effects: 1: keyframing planet
How to fix weird hard-edged triangles in my renders on smooth models
Reset service timer: Jaguar XF 2008-2015 Quick and clear [xf service light reset on 2012 model]
Maya Student Support: Plating on a sphere using quad draw
Assigning Materials / Shaders in Maya with Arnold (Sword Part 3)
NOODLE ARMS! Maya: using curve warp for tentacles, snakes, cables, vines and all things bendy.
Maya basics: How to move shapes, the camera and fix common problems for beginners.
How to make text properly in Maya (smoothable and neat)
Basic animation in Maya
Pixlr: Make text look like it's part of the scene - embed text in a photo - Free online image editor
80's Retro synthwave text logo scene: Part 1: Remove sky & add gradients & perspective [Photoshop]
How to make 'How to' tutorial videos on youtube for teachers: Script, Record, Edit
Maya Student support: APC vehicle - will it bevel? (Me fixing geometry for an hour & waffling away)
How to cut out circles on curved surfaces in Maya with circularize (better than booleans)
Bump Maps in 1 minute using Arnold Shaders in Maya
Solved: No textures or lighting when I open my maya scene on a different computer!
Can I sell stuff I make in Maya Student version? Is it Full version? Minimum spec? + more FAQ)
Brit Kids Live with Ben (Computer Club Saturday School, ages 8+)
Installing Unity and Unity Hub (How to fix 'version not installing' issue on a mac @
Pixlr: Make your own graffiti text - Free online image editor
Image sequence plays too fast in after effects? How to import multiple frames properly
Tracking onto a wall in after effects with mocha (beginner)
How to fold down rear seats in XF even if you don't have the model with folding seats! (2008-2015)
Pixlr: Futuristic concept city for beginners part 2. Master select tools & blending modes