11 тысяч подписчиков
159 видео
Things We Do on this Channel
Phone Hack - How to Find Big Spiders at Night
Unboxing a Rock64 4G Single Board Computer (SBC) - Targeting Part 4
Youtube + Network Monitor - ESP32 Project 10 with MAX7219 LED Matrix
ESP32 Tutorial using MicroPython - Lets Get Started!
Running Stepper Motors with MicroPython and an ESP32 - Tutorial - Software Included!
Posty DIY SCARA Robot Teardown
Posty is Alive Again! Mini DIY SCARA Plotter
Happy Birthday from Roberto
Auto-Measuring with OpenCV + Python - Try It Yourself
Quick PCB Repair Using a Microscope
Smallest NeoPixel Matrix? WS2812 1010 Size 8x8 Matrix
This Changes Everything! - ESP32 Micropython Open Socket Tutorial with Code
Beaker's ESP32 Web Server Hacked!
Distance (Angles+Triangulation) - OpenCV and Python3 Tutorial - Targeting Part 5
Weather Station with Bosch BME280 Sensor - ESP32/8266 Project 12
Best Magnifiers for Electronics (and Old Eyes, Crafts, Etc.)
ESP32 with 320 Outputs
NeoPixel Cube Project for ESP32
Anybody want a ESP32Mini V2?
ESP32 Web Server: Year-3 Updates - MicroPython Code
ESP32 Web Server for Files and Applications - MicroPython Tutorial
Peer-to-Peer LoRa Test: Reyax RYLR998 - ESP32 - MicroPython
Micro Mini CNC Plotter - Part 1 - XY Using DVD Steppers
Finally made it to 1,000,000 views.
Buying Cheap ESP32s on eBay + ESP32 Giveaway
Smallest NeoPixel Matrix Part 2: Up close and personal.
The Problem With NeoPixels (and The Cube)
ESP32 Neopixel Clock Project
Rider Rule #1
Peacock Bass Fishing in the Everglades (no electronics, just some fish pics)
DIY IoT Weather Station: Full Project - ESP32 BME280 MicroPython - Temperature Pressure Humidity
KTM Duke 390 + Kansas Carry on Wayward Son
KTM Duke 390 + 10 Years Later: I'd Love to Change the World
ESP32 + 320 Outputs
Tiny "NeoPixel" 8x8 LED Matrix - PCBWay Assembled Circuit Board Unboxing
Checking in on Beaker's ESP32 Server
Easy ESP32 Neopixel Christmas Tree
An Easy IoT Solution for Developers and Hobbyists - Micropython or Python - ESP32 or Desktop