6144 тысяч подписчиков
42 видео
This pan-fried meat dish has broken all records! Literally melts in your mouth!
God, how delicious! Few people know this trick for cooking chicken legs!
A recipe that deserves a MEDAL! You will be surprised!
Give a medal to whoever invented this recipe! Wonderful!
Guests from America taught me how to cook delicious chicken legs! Incredible!
This chicken breast is so delicious that I make it three times a week!
Give a medal to whoever invented this recipe! Incredibly delicious!
A dinner that will drive the world crazy! I cook at least 2 times a week!
Give a medal to whoever invented this recipe! Everyone will be amazed!
This recipe surprised everyone! You won't believe! Simple and cheap!
Give a medal to whoever invented this recipe! You won't believe!
PUT the meat on top of the onion and create a DELICIOUS dinner in 10 minutes! 🍽️
Rinderzunge. Wie man Rinderzunge richtig kocht. Was aus Rinderzunge kochen.
Meine Oma macht dieses Rezept alle 3 Tage! Der berühmte Snack, der die ganze Welt verrückt macht!
In einem Restaurant herausgefunden❗ Das ist das leckerste Fleisch, das ich je ASMR gegessen habe
Basturma vom Schweinelende! Sie werden den im Laden gekauften Speck für immer vergessen!
Das Geheimnis des saftigen schinkens! Nur wenige leute kochen fleisch so!
How to make sausage at home! This is the tastiest homemade sausage!
I do real BACON! You will forget about store-bought bacon forever!
A real HOMEMADE HAM. Recipe and technique for correct preparation
Beef tongue How to cook beef tongue properly
I cook SALO just like that! Everyone should know this recipe! No brine!
Make your own delicacy with CHEAP meat. Tastes better than store bought sausage