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541 видео
Session I: The asset owners panel: Opportunities in Hong Kong and Greater China
The UK economic landscape
Session IV: Financing the green transition
Leveraging data, technology and innovation for sustainable finance
Unlocking the potential of a CBDC ecosystem
How EU Bonds are assisting in the transformation of Europe
Virtual Panel with William Dudley, Former President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Session I: Global macro challenges and opportunities
March FOMC meeting outcomes
Gender Balance Index 2024 launch
Unlocking opportunities through better public finance management
Rising Treasury yields: exploring the impact on markets
Global Public Funds 2024 launch
Looking ahead: US monetary policy in 2024
Why dollar dominance is here to stay
In conversation: The evolution of the EU as an issuer
Digital Assets 2024
Opening address
William Dudley on the monetary policy outlook for the US
Market infrastructure survey launch
The future of payments 2023
Welcome remarks
Global Public Investor 2024 launch
The last mile: financial vulnerabilities and risks
In conversation with the ministry of finance: growth prospects for the Hungarian economy
Virtual panel on Demystifying government deficits and central bank financing
AI in finance 2024
Future of payments: a new generation of payments takes shape
OMFIF introduces - AI and Central Banks
Charting the digital euro’s next steps
Hungary: a regional economic and financial centre
GTFS - Session IV: The role of government and policy-makers in driving transition finance
Global Transition Finance Summit- Defining implementable and credible transition finance
COP28, climate transition and the IMF: in conversation with Bo Li
Enhancing domestic payments with wholesale CBDC
Keynote with Luanne Lim, CEO, Hong Kong, HSBC
OMFIF at the IMF 2023
GTFS - Session VI: Solving the energy trilemma and driving decarbonisation
GTFS - Session V: Crowding private finance into emerging markets
Session V: Fintech and a digital future in central and eastern Europe
GTFS - Workshop: Global perspective on transition planning for corporates and financial institutions
In Conversation with Barnabás Virág: Growth Prospects for the Hungarian Economy
Global Transition Finance Summit - Opening keynote
Session II The Greater Bay Area – Asia’s financial and economic powerhouse
Africa Financial Markets Index Launch 2023
OMFIF Live: Digital assets: building the markets of the future