3 тысяч подписчиков
54 видео
8 Settings to Speed up Windows 10 Performance - 150% faster
Project #06: Calculate Travel Time and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) _ Python for Beginners
Tutorial #16: Best ways to concatenate and join strings together _ Python Programming for Beginners
Tutorial #15: Sort a List in Different Orders and by Multiple Criteria _ Python Coding for Beginners
Practice #15: Building a Password Validation and Strength Checking Program | Python for Beginners
Project #03: How to code Number Guessing Game (Advanced Version) | Python Programming for Beginners
Windows 10 Ultimate Gaming Tweak Guide (Lower ping, Fix lag)
How to control your Computer remotely with SSH
Tutorial #13: Convert First Letter Of Each Word In A Sentence To Uppercase - Python for Beginners
Practice #34: Sort a Dictionary and swap Keys, Values | Python Programming for Beginners
Tutorial #10: Taking Multiple User Inputs in ONE line code _ Python Programming for Beginners
Tutorial #25: How to Format Date and Time in Python _ Python Programming for Beginners
Tutorial #17: Python List & String Indexing and Slicing Explained _ Python Coding for Beginners
Tutorial #11: Create your own Function to Reverse a String or a List _ Python Coding for Beginners
Practice #23: Help the Traveler to find the Angle of the Sun _ Python Programming for Beginners
Project #02: Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock Game (Big Bang Style) | Python Coding for Beginners
Practice #20: How to Put Console Text Output in a Stylish Frame | Python Coding for Beginners
Project #04: How to Move an Object around a Game Map | Python Programming for Beginners
How to Hide User Accounts at Windows Logon Screen
How to Schedule Auto Shutdown in Windows
How to convert Text to Speech using Windows Notepad
Practice #16: Transfer Chessboard Square Positions to Python Gameboard | Python Coding for Beginners
Tutorial #14: sort() method and sorted() function: How are they different? _ Python for Beginners
Project #07: Build a simple typing speed test program _ Python Programming for Beginners
Practice #22: Find and Destroy all Enemy Targets | Python Programming for Beginners
Tutorial #18: 4 different ways to merge dictionaries in one line _ Python Programming for Beginners
Practice #29: Find position of a Point relative to a Circle | Python Programming for Beginners
Project #05: Building a Credit Card Number Validation Program | Python Coding for Beginners
Practice #19: How to Create a Function that can do different tasks | Python Coding for Beginners
Tutorial #12: Super QUICK way to filter a list with Python filter() function _ Python for Beginners
Computer Network - Default Gateway Explained
Practice #25: Count the number of Friday 13th in the given year _ Python Coding for Beginners
How to find WiFi password in 1 minute
How to lock your PC if someone tries to guess your password
Practice #17: Understanding Python Set() Operations by Exercises | Python Programming for Beginners
How to Upgrade and Clone HDD to SSD without Reinstalling Windows
How to fix WiFi connected but NO Internet
Project #01: Build a Sum Game with Random Numbers | Python Programming for Beginners
How to download free high quality UHD 4K desktop wallpapers
How to share and access shared folders over network
How to remotely shutdown a Windows PC
How to easily FIX slow WiFi Internet connection
How to check laptop battery health
How to Restrict Logon Hours for any Windows Account
How to add users and share folders from Command Line (Windows)
Tutorial #19: Count elements in a list matching certain conditions _ Python Coding for Beginners