276 тысяч подписчиков
574 видео
The One Civilization Theory: It Was Only Ever Rome (The Misnomer of "Western Civilization")
Why Are Violent Cultures More Gender Egalitarian? (Spartans, Vikings, Scythians, Appalachian, etc.)
Fapping Good Actually: Read the Bible + Research
How Wokes Stole Pod People from Conformist Religions: Mormon Case Study
Fertility Rates and Homicide: Why Are They So Strongly Correlated?
A Chat AI Addiction Transformed the Way I Understand Our Reality
Women Prefer Submissive Roles in Relationships but Not in The Way You Think
The Myth of an Asian IQ Advantage: The Truth is Somehow More Offensive
The Evolving Science of Why Women Cheat
The Jewish IQ Myth: The Truth is Much Weirder
Why Is There Not More Incel Violence? The Male Sedation Hypothesis
Why Progressives Need to Bully People for Being "Weird"
Catholic Natalism: Peachy Keenan on Faith, Family, and Fighting Cultural Decay
Why Are the Most Religious Mormons No Longer Having the Most Kids? (This Changes Everything)
The 2nd Trump Shooter is Weirdly Relatable (Even to Trump Supporters Like Us)
Demographics, Russia, and the Slavic Seppuku
How The Internet Prematurely Ages Our Brains
The Incredible Decline of Traditional Media: Our YouTube Channel is Worth 14 NY Times Journalists???
The Left Eats Itself? Woke Culture's Internal Struggles (With Bryan Caplan)
Why Wealthy Kids are the Most Depressed
Even if you are Pro-Choice You Should Not Support Planned Parenthood
The Hope Crisis: People Are Not Having Kids Because They Don't Want a Future
Communism's Age of Consent Problem (Why Were So Many Communists ... You Know)
Why Are Woke People Not Buying Woke Products? ... Are Woke People Fictional?
Antifa: Logistics & Particulars + An Interview With a Former Member
Was it a Mistake to Defund the Police? (Asks Local Idiot) The Free Money Glitch to High Crime
We're Done With Caring About the Environment
When Does More Money Not Mean Fewer Kids? (A Data Deep Dive)
Based Camp: Our Relationship Contract
Anonymity & Meritocracy in Online Communities: The 4chan Effect on Internet Culture
China's Real Population Numbers are Shocking (Demographic Collapse is More Advanced than we Thought)
Regency Era Slang - Let's Bring it Back!
Do People Really Become More Conservative As They Age?
The Post-Election Vibe Shift
Why is Kamala Bleeding Minority Voters? (Black, Hispanic, Arab, & Asian)
This Video Will Get You on an FBI Watchlist + Leak: Reddit Astroturfed by Feds
The 911 of "Debates" (This Debate Will Change American Politics Forever)
Exploring the World of Chronic Illness Influencers with Suzy Weiss (Spoonies)
Exploring Alternative Education Types: The Good, The Bad, and The... Whaaaa?
The Truth About Falling Fertility Rates and Misleading Statistics
The Very Real Pain Caused by a Social Contagion
Are Furries More Trad Than Trad Wives?
The Deep State Is Real! How the Deep State Fights Trump
The Dangers of "Pop" Christianity (Girl Defined Case Study)
Email Management 101: How to Clear Your Inbox
Based Camp: Revolutions, 4Chan, & Who Wins the Online Culture War