Fontself Maker:
Welcome to our step-by-step tutorial video where we demonstrate the amazing power of Motype, a particle-based title generator for Final Cut Pro!
In this video, you'll learn how to create stunning animations with your logo using Motype, taking full advantage of its robust 3D features and new presets introduced in the recent version 2 update.
Motype's compatibility extends to Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro, and After Effects.
We'll also introduce you to the Fontself Maker extension for Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, a game-changer that allows you to convert your designs into OpenType fonts.
With Fontself Maker, you can transform an app icon or logo into a usable font.
Whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro, this tutorial will offer you fresh insights into the world of visual effects and animation.
Ready to create with a wide range of amazing video effects? Head to for more information.
For a more in-depth tutorial and additional details about this powerful plugin, visit the Motype product page at - the link is in the description above.
Enjoy the video, and don't forget to download your free trial today!
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#finalcutpro #fcp #finalcutprox #fcpx #fcpxtutorial
00:00 Intro
00:08 How to Download a Free Trial
00:39 About FontSelf Maker
01:26 Final Cut Pro Tutorial
02:29 Final Examples
02:51 Learn More!