Implementing New Jersey's Priority Climate Action Plan

Опубликовано: 09 Январь 2025
на канале: Rutgers Climate & Energy Institute

5/1/24 -- Full Title: Implementing New Jersey's Priority Climate Action Plan: Climate Mitigation Funding Opportunities for New Jersey Local Governments

Para español:    • Implementación del Plan de Acción Cli...  

NJ published its Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) on 3/1/24, which outlines 12 priority measures and dozens of enabling actions to reduce greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change. While the deadline to apply for EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program implementation funding has passed, many other funding opportunities are available for local governments to act on climate change. Given the pivotal role local governments play in helping the State meet its climate change goals, this webinar will highlight priority actions in NJ’s PCAP along with resources and funding opportunities for local implementation. While the webinar will be focused on opportunities for local governments, all are welcome to attend as several opportunities are available to community-based organizations, school districts, and other entities.

Webinar Co-Sponsored by the New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center -- https://njclimateresourcecenter.rutge...