I show how to correct the color of a picture that has faded. I show two methods: One using Camera Raw; and the other using a blur filter and a blending mode.
Сегодня будет мудро! я надеюсь⠀Вообще, мудрые изречения уже достаточно зашкварились голожопыми1
Центр Музыки. Звуковое оборудование
Чем проще нарисовать стрелку? Лайфхак от Жанны Сан-Жак
ТОРАТАУ! группа "Шихан"!
VII Международный конкурс музыкантов-исполнителей «КЛАССИЧЕСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ». 28.11.2022 г.
How To Use Instagram Account Center
Using Illustrator to Make a Graduation Announcement
Photoshop CC: Repair Faded (Color Cast) Picture
Photoshop CC: Cropping, Resizing and Changing Resolution
Basic Overview of Blending Modes in Photoshop CC
Photoshop CC: Layer Mask
Photoshop: Type Tool, Adding a Stroke and Adjusting Fill Opacity
Photoshop: Create Clipping Mask
Photoshop: Type Tool Basics
Photoshop: Repairing An Olde Image
Photoshop: Erasing a Person From a Group Portrait
Photoshop CC: Learn the Interface
Photoshop CC: Different Ways to Open Images In Photoshop
Camera Raw: Opening files to Photoshop
Photoshop CC: Selecting and Moving
Camera Raw: Saving Images
Camera Raw: Using the Targeted Adjustment Brush and the Adjustment Brush
Camera Raw: Adding a Vignette
Camera Raw: Remove Skin Blemishes and Smooth Skin Surface
Camera Raw: Opening Files and Making Basic Adjustments
Changing File Types On a Canon Camera
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Enabling Adobe Reader in Firefox and Google Chrome
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