This video show you how to convert .py to .exe so you can run a python script without python on any computer . To convert python to exe , we are going to use pyinstaller.
PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package. The user can run the packaged app without installing a Python interpreter or any modules.
This video will show you how to install pyinstaller , create or choose project , download/ create png and then convert it to icon, one file, no console and adding an icon.
command to install:
pip install pyinstaller
line command to convert
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon="image.ico"
Projects that you can create :
▶Digital Clock Using Python | Creating clock in Python
▶How to Create Calculator in Python - Calculator In Using
▶Creating a GUI Notepad In Tkinter | Python Tkinter GUI Tutorial
▶Create a ImageViewer using Python | Python
▶how to create translator using python | python tkinter
▶How to Create Age Calculator using Python Tkinter | Python Project
▶ Text to speech GUI convertor using Tkinter in Python
Search related to:
* How to convert python to exe.
* convert python to exe | py to exe
* How to Convert any Python File to .EXE
* Convert py to exe - from code to software
* convert gui tkinter project to exe
convert py to exe,python py to exe
In this video I use Python 3.9.6
Feel free to comment with any issues.