This video is the third tutorial on Oracle SQL*Loader tutorial series created by Kishan Mashru.
Oracle SQL Loader utility is used to load data from flat files like .csv files, .dat files, .txt files into Oracle database tables.
In this video tutorial, we demonstrated how to load data from excel to oracle using sql loader
We showed the SQL Loader control file example and loaded data from the .csv file into the database table.
Check out the first video: • Oracle SQL Loader - Introduction - Tu...
Check out the second video: • Oracle SQL Loader - Control File Exam...
Check out the advantages of using TRUNCATE over a DELETE from the following video:
Delete VS Truncate : • Difference between Delete and Truncat...
#KishanMashru #Oracle #SqlLoader #SqlLoaderExample #LoadCSV #LoadExcel #SQLandPLSQL #OracleSqlLoader
#ETL #database