After checking out Bebop Bag's Camera Saddle they reached out and asked if I'd like to check out their Robot Floor AC Bag. This camera bag has blown me away, especially after owning similar bags from competitors. As a past creative director for a milti million dollar backpack company, I really take a deep dive on the bag and all its features.
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The Features: 1:49
The Exterior: 2:16
Easter egg 1: 2:34
Easter egg 2: 2:45
Construction Callouts: 3:08
Hardware Callouts: 3:15
Zippers and Weather resistant callouts: 3:42
Carrying Straps & Shoulder Strap: 4:15
Pocket Features and highlights: 4:43
Secure Straps: 5:38
Easter egg 3: 5:56
The Main compartment: 6:42
Lid Storage & Accessories: 7:14
Dividers and Main storage: 7:48
Final thoughts: 10:08
Sony FX6:
Sony FX3:
Favorite go-to Lens:
Favorite Broll Lens:
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