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Sara Blakely, founder of multi-billion dollar company Spanx. Before kicking off her business, Blakely had zero fashion, retail, or leadership exposure when she invented Spanx in the 90s. Starting with just 5,000 and an idea to improve the lives of women.
Spanx Website:
After selling fax machines door-to-door, Sara had a chance to put the idea into practice. She had been invited to a party and decided to go in a pair of cream-coloured pants—a garment notorious for revealing underwear lines. To avoid any mishaps, she put on a pair of pantyhose, but first, she cut out the feet. Three years shy of her 30th birthday, Sara made the very first prototype for what was to become Spanx.
"I started Spanx as a frustrated consumer. I just wanted to be able to wear white pants to a party and have nothing show underneath."
In this MasterClass, Sara Blakely teaches you exactly how she operates her brand, business principals for entrepreneurial success. If you're just starting a business, there are takeaways you can get from this education. If you're asking How to start a business, how to hire, how to create culture, how to prototype products or working with manufacturers. This Masterclass will help. A lot!
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In this MasterClass review, I cover the workbook, how it works and all 14 lessons in detail. Grab a tea as we log in together and have a bit of fun in the process.
The Sara Blakely teaches self-made entrepreneurship covers the following:
0:01 Sara Blakely MasterClass Review
2:47 Types of MasterClass Bundles
4:58 How MasterClass Works?
7:48 MasterClass Workbook
8:19 Lesson 1: Finding Your Purpose
9:17 Lesson 2: Developing Your Big Idea
10:18 Lesson 3: Entrepreneurial Mindset
11:29 Lesson 4: Prototyping Products
12:24 Lesson 5: Make It With Manufacturers
13:53 Lesson 6: Sell Products
14:36 Lesson 7: Build Awareness & Marketing
15:40 Lesson 8: Marketing Case Study: Mented
16:15 Lesson 9: Pricing & Positioning
16:50 Lesson 10: Positioning Case Study: Well round
17:22 Lesson 11: Building a Culture
18:31 Lesson 12: Culture & Growth Case Study: Fellow
18:56 Lesson 13: Spanx Case Studies
19:19 Lesson 14: Sara’s Survival Guide
20:05 Is Sara Blakely's MasterClass worth it?
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