Mouse over Action on Automation Testing in 2021 (Live Demo)
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#Softwaretesting #Softwaretestinglifecycle #Bugreport #ITLearn360
Understand what automation means? When to use it? Install and integrate Selenium framework into the Eclipse IDE. Use Selenium framework to automate different browsers(Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more) How to automate the web browser with Selenium framework What is Xpath, how to locate web elements. Manipulating web elements with web attributes and Xpath.
During and after completing this course you will be able to Understand what automation means? How & when to use it? Set selenium WebDriver, write test scripts along with different frameworks. Manage any web element with different events like click and context click(right click), get and set, drag and drop. Use selenium to perform web browser automation and navigation within.
Familiar with the concept of Java for testing Familiar with Java APIs and libraries what will be used in software testing. Please refer or check the Java for a tester to get more info.
Audience and Requirements
Anyone who is interested in QA, BA and wants to know the use of selenium for automation testing. Should know Fundamental knowledge about software testing.
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