Learn Selenium TestNG automation framework Full Course in 2 Hours

Опубликовано: 09 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: ITlearn 360

Are you looking for a Full TestNG course tutorial? How to learn the TestNG tutorial? What are the topics that have to be learned in the TestNG framework?
TestNG provides advanced features such as annotations, data-driven testing, test sequencing, and parallel testing to help you organize and execute your Selenium tests more efficiently and effectively.
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In this video, you will learn following topics:
1. Introduction to TestNG framework
2. TestNG Installation in Eclipse
3. Create Maven Project for the TestNG framework
4. Add Dependencies to the project for the TestNG framework
5. What are the different TestNG annotations?
6. TestNG annotations sequence
7. Implement Annotations in live example
8. What is Data-driven testing?
9. DataProviders is TestNG?
10. Implement Dataproviders in TestNG Selenium
11. What is Priority in TestNG?
12. Why to use Priority?
13. How Priority execute?
14. Implement Priority in Real Time example
15. What is Dependency?
16. How to implement dependency in Login automation with TestNG
17. What is assertion?
18. Different types & methods of assertion in TestNG
19. What is Hard assertion?
20. What is Soft assertion?
21. Different Methods in Assertion
22. How to implement or use assertion in Selenium with Java
23. Groups in TestNG
24. Implement groups in TestNG Real time Example
25. Listeners in TestNG
26. What is ITestListener? Live Example
27. What is ISuite Listener? Live Example
28. What is IExecution Listener? Live Example
29. What is IInvokedMethod Listener? Live Example
30. Extent report in TestNG
31. Implement Extent report in TestNG, Live Example

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:32 What is TestNG?
00:01:08 Why do you use TestNG?
00:02:05 TestNG architecture
00:03:20 TestNG Installation
00:05:55 Create Maven Project for TestNG framework
00:11:25 Add Dependencies to the project for the TestNG framework
00:17:58 What are the TestNG Annotations?
00:19:04 Different type of TestNG annotations
00:19:52 TestNG annotations Sequence
00:23:27 Implementation of TestNG annotations in real time example
00:28:39 Dataproviders in TestNG
00:28:54 What is Data-driven test?
00:30:20 What is Dataprovider annotation concept?
00:32:27 Implementation of DataProviders in Real time example
00:38:06 Priority in TestNG
00:39:06 Why to use priority?
00:39:55 How priority executes?
00:40:37 How to implement Priority in TestNG?
00:47:35 implement Priority in TestNG with real time example
01:00:11 Dependency in TestNG
01:00:58 What is Dependency?
01:01:46 Points to remember in TestNG
01:02:34 Dependency implementation in TestNG with real time example
01:13:00 Groups in TestNG
01:16:58 Implementation of Groups in TestNG
01:25:40 Listeners in TestNG
01:27:51 ITest Listener in TestNG
01:37:04 ISuite Listener in TestNG
01:44:24 IExecution Listener in TestNG
01:49:50 IInvokedMethod Listener in TestNG
01:54:56 Extent report in TestNG
01:57:55 Extent report implementation in TestNG

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