Check out my new video: • Rap Battle against my Girlfriend
Bloopies: • BLOOPIES: Now Add A Dancer!
Instagram-life: / dtrixpix
Tweet-life: / d_trix
Song from The Bangerz, CHECK THEM OUT!
/ rep-that-gang-bangerz-iamsu
Check out and Subscribe to the AMAZING Choreographer:
Phillip "Pacman" Chbeeb
/ pacman
Subscribe to the Amazing Actors: Lana and Nathan Moore
/ lanamckissack
Gorgeous Dance Cast:
Katie Alcazar / kbaybay
Maxine Hupy / maxinehupy
Denine Scott / deninescott
Nadine Scott / nayscott
Andrea Saavedra / dreeyuhhh
Mocha McKenzie / omgitsmocha
Jennifer Moore / jeeziebabe
Bboy Lil Demon / anjelolildemon
Kyle Cordova / kylewaynecordova
Nick Young / nick3young4
Mark Villaver / markvillaver
Richard Chung / richardchungg
Kai McMinn
Team D.M.I.
Green Gaskell / greengaskell
Jerel "Jmocak" Mascarines / jmocak
Brian Ines / solestarzz
Message to all the Dancers:
Once again, thank you all again for sharing your talents with me. A huge THANK YOU to Pacman for taking lead on Choreography. You guys are all amazing dancers and even better people. Thanks for being so cool and for taking time out of your day to make weird videos with me. Much respects and love.