AIZEN HADO 90 VOICE LINES! TYBW EP.31 KUROHISTUGI QUOTES! Thousand Year Blood War Anime Episode 31

Опубликовано: 04 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Tukibankai - Bleach Brave Souls

Bleach Aizen Hado 90 Voice Quotes! TYBW Official Voice Lines Episode 31 Edit

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Images edit by myself with Word and Musical Edit it with Vegas Pro software!

ALL TYBW Official Voices:    • Sajin Komamura TYBW Anime Voice Quote...  

Les animo a que compren el manga en físico para apoyar a los autores originales.
All rights belong to their respective owners.
Composer: Shiro Sagisu.


Long life to Bleach 4ever and Ever!

Watashi wa Tukibankai to yume ni naru!

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