Thermodynamics: Mechanics of Materials: Statics: Dynamics:
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Thermodynamics - 1-1 Introduction and the 4 Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics - Test 1 Problem 1 - Multifluid manometer
Thermodynamics - 3-5 Using property tables for pure substances - fill in the blank chart
Thermodynamics - Entropy 7.1 Clausius Inequality
Mechanics of Materials - 3D Combined loading example 1
Thermodynamics - 5-3 Energy analysis of steady flow devices
Thermodynamics - Chapter 2 Conservation of Energy
Thermodynamics - 3-5 Pure Substances using property tables - saturated liquid and saturated vapor
Thermodynamics - Pressure example 2 manometer
Thermodynamics - 3-3 Phase changes of a pure substance
Thermodynamics - 1-2 Units
Thermodynamics - 4-1 Moving Boundary Work equations